“You Alone Are The Judge Of Your Worth And Your Goal Is To Discover Infinite Worth In Yourself, No Matter What Anyone Else Thinks.” – Deepak Chopra
What happens when your computer decides to break and you get really sick with the flu in the last 4 weeks? You don’t get to update your weekly blog! I sincerely apologize for not updating recently, but I’m back now with a wonderful quote from the brilliant author, Deepak Chopra. This quote is about finding the worth in yourself and using it to live the best life that you can live.
It always seems like we’re our own worst critics when it comes to what we do, say, or look like. We’ll beat ourselves up for being imperfect human beings even if we don’t do the same for others. I know I’m guilty of being hard on myself even in the times I know loving myself more is probably the better thing to do. It’s interesting how people with low confidence seem to forgive others easily, yet cannot forgive themselves for making the same mistakes. It’s also interesting how many of us define who we are and the extent of our worth based on what others think rather than what we know. After all, how can anyone else know you better than you know yourself?
It’s important to remember that we’re all equal and on our own journey. We need to be kind to ourselves before being kind to anyone else. Treating yourself with love and sensitivity is the only way you will gain confidence and compassion. Not everyone is going to like you and think you’re worthy of their time and that’s OK. We’ve been told this a million times before, but until we actually start believing it and living in the mindset, we’ll never truly be satisfied.
When you let others affect your sense of worth, you’ll always be striving to gain acceptance from everyone around you and you’ll always be let down. It’s not our job to help others be the best they can be and it’s not the job of others to make us do or feel our best. We should strive to do our own personal best and that should be enough. When you feel great about what you’re doing and who you see yourself as, the right people will automatically gravitate towards you. You’ll have the kind of strength and happiness that will allow you to not worry about what anyone else thinks of you because you’ll know exactly who you are. You’ll understand that just like every other person on this planet, you’re worthy of being here and have the ability to positively change the world.
There was a time in my life, in one of my lowest moments, when someone very important to me told me that I was a worthy person, but because I didn’t like who I was, I thought this person must have been mistaken. I thought there must have been some part of me this person wasn’t seeing for them to even slightly consider me worthy. In the end result though, there wasn’t any part that wasn’t being seen. This person thought I was worthy in spite of my mistakes and shortcomings. It wasn’t until I really looked at myself, not as a perfect and “beautiful” human being, but as a flawed and unique human being, that I finally realized my worth. Recognizing your worth isn’t about the times when you’re at the top, it’s about the times when you’re at the bottom. It’s when you’re struggling to obtain goals, not when you’ve already achieved them. Discovering your worth is meant to guide you through your tough situations, not your easy ones. That’s when it matters most and that’s when it’s effective.
It’s up to you to use your time on this planet to show yourself and others that you’re worth being here. Go after the dreams you want to achieve, give your opinion on important topics you believe in even if other people disagree, accept gifts with gratitude and a sense of pride in being the recipient, and purchase a candy bar you love even if it’s the last one in the store. Don’t be afraid to make your mark on this world and to express yourself in the way you feel represents you best. We’re worthy because we’re all different and we’re all different because we’re worthy. Don’t ever change who you really are. Accept who you are and remember that you’re the ultimate and only judge of your worth in this lifetime. Your acceptance of yourself is more important than any other person’s acceptance of you because it’s your acceptance that will bring you to the path of everything you need to be content and happy. Glow & shine bright! xo