Leaves & Lives of Change

Happy October, everyone! It’s officially the month of pumpkins, falling leaves, horror movies, and cooler weather in most places, and I’m beyond thrilled. To me, fall has this mystical quality about it that no other season has, and between sipping on cozy maple lattes and listening to the sweet autumn notes of “Harvest Moon” by Neil Young, I’ve already just about fully sunken into it.

It’s definitely a weird time in the world and it seems like there’s never a shortage of negative and/or chaotic topics on just about every social media or news site that most people go on daily. Let’s face it, it all can be exhausting. It seems like one day we wake up worrying about what moment will hit us next and another day, we’re just trying to find anything that makes us smile. Despite the uncertainty and discomfort of it all, it’s important to remember that things are always changing and it’s kind of our responsibility as humans to roll with the tide and adjust as best we can. The alternative just leads to neverending inner struggles – the result of an illusion of control beyond our realistic means of control.

The guaranteed changes in life are like the changes of the leaves on the trees at this beautiful time of year. The changes bring on all the different colors of our emotions, like the colors of the leaves as they fall to the ground and go through their natural phase. Sometimes we’re heartachingly blue, sometimes we’re passionately red, and sometimes we’re warmly yellow, but these emotional colors come and go, and without them, we’d never be able to learn, to grow. Like the transformation that comes with the seasons, we need to allow our lives to go through the various stages that lead to the cycle we can’t escape, and we must do so with gratitude and love for ourselves and others.

Personally, I find that my life is going through a lot of big changes right now – something that often triggers anxiety – but this time, I’m trying to gradually go through their waves and embrace what I’m learning instead of attempting to run away from them. It doesn’t feel easy by any stretch, but it’s so much easier than holding onto something that’s no longer there. We can reminisce about the past and long for it, but we can’t live in it. We already have, when it was the present, and that’s how it will always be.

So I encourage you all to take a deep breath during this crazy time, and take each change as it comes with a little caution and a lot of heart. As we’re all trying to do that just a bit more, I’m so excited to say that I have some projects that I’ve been working on for a while and I’m finally getting ready to launch them in the weeks to come. I’ll also be updating my blog on a more frequent basis to keep you all in the know with what’s going on.

Be on the lookout for announcements right here on my website and on my social media pages very soon, as I publish information when it becomes available. In the meantime, I hope you’re all finding reasons to smile and helping out someone else in whatever way you can whenever you can.